Lima, MT was a refuge for us from another electrical storm. Beth knew roughly the spot where we would meet her, but not always exactly where. We left messages on blue notecards on the back of stop signs. The system worked very well. Lima is very small - near the interstate. We stayed at the Mt. View Motel & RV Park. We ate at Jan's Cafe - which has good food. There is a auto service there, Big Sky Sports, and a convenience store in the Exxon station - which has really expensive gas!
BETH's journal for today, July 1st -There are two words for today, awesome and spectacular! Sun shinning and after 2 miles of riding I crest the hill to an awesome sight- a huge flock of sheep, the sheep dogs and the shepherd on his horse. Also, my Mom and Ann in the Jeep . Today I remained most of the ride in the high prairie surrounded on all sides by mountains. It was spectacular to see, but also to be there. This whole trip I have been in remote places, but today in the middle of this high prairie I felt like the only person on earth, the only reminder of civilization was the electrical wires that crossed back and forth over the road I was on. Once reaching the top of the highest point in the ride it was all down hill for the remainder of the 45 miles I rode today. I soon reached the mountains on the other side and realized that instead of going over them I was going through them - curving back in forth through the valley with high cliffs of rock filled with caves that a whole family could fit in - it was awesome! In the valley beside the road a small creek flowed - it was very neat to follow because it curved and turned more than the road. The last awesome factor of the day were the thunderstorms that chased me for the last 15 miles. Fortunately, I found refuge in a tunnel under the highway before the lightning hit all around me and the thumb sized hail hammered the ground. Wow! I watched the storm come and go from the safety of my tunnel. Today, is one of the many days at the top of the list for the best days.
JAN's account of today - Today is ending in Lima, MT as many of our days in Montana have ended - with an electrical storm. Its amazing how loud the thunder is when there is few to no trees to absorb the noise! We were both lucky and smart - we have found a room in the only motel, at the beginning of the July 4th weekend, in this very remote area. Beth's description of today says it all. We drove for almost 40 miles without seeing another sole except a shepherd and his flock. The scenery was spectacular and the wildflowers even more so. Ann & I were exploring a rock outcropping when we came upon a huge nest. Beth caught up to us and saw the Jeep and found us. She then climbed up next to the nest and it is taller than she is. We assume it belongs to a Golden Eagle, as there were lots of bones from its prey. No cell coverage for days.
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